Why do our children need their own computer?
There are two major reasons for this. The first is that having good IT skills is becoming a basic requirement of any employer. Children need to be prepared for an increasingly digital world and this will give them a unique opportunity to be highly skilled ahead of many other children.
The other reason is that research has confirmed that good home access to technology has a positive impact on a child’s educational results; it often motivates them to do their schoolwork, their work is better presented so their self-esteem grows, and they can explore subjects that interest them in their own time. Having access to a device at home has been particularly relevant and important during the recent pandemic when schools were forced to close.
What if we don’t want to take part?
While we would encourage all families to take part, it is your right to choose not to do so. It is important however, that as many families contribute as possible in order to help the school to fund all of the elements of providing this tech-enabled learning. If the school cannot raise enough funds from parents and carers it may be that the school will be unable to run the Programme at all. We also ask for donations in order to help all of the elements of the Programme and also to ensure that every child can benefit to the same degree.
Who owns the Device?
The devices are the property of the school for the duration of the programme and are provided to the pupils at the discretion of the school. Your contribution is a charitable donation towards the programme, not a payment towards the device. To make the scheme affordable to all, the amount we are suggesting does not cover the full cost of running the programme. Additional money will be provided from school funds, and grants we may win from other sources. However, the school has no intention of keeping the devices after the three years is up, and we will then make them available at the market value at that time.
What happens if the Device gets damaged or lost?
The computers will be insured for accidental damage and theft, with no excess on any claim so it is important that the children learn how to take good care of their equipment. Families may have to pay towards the cost of replacement or repair caused by inappropriate use or lack of care and that is why we may ask for take a refundable deposit against this kind of damage.
Why can’t the school provide these for nothing?
The school receives some funding for IT in school, and this is spent on our network, the website, ICT suites, printers, etc. Equipment for use at home and for personal use by your children is over and above this, which is why we have to ask our families to make a contribution. Without that help the programme would not be able to go ahead.
What happens if I can’t make the regular donations?
No child will be excluded from the programme because of their parent’s financial circumstances so please talk to us so we can ensure your child is included in the programme.
Can I donate by cash or cheque?
Collecting cash involves a lot more work and administration costs for the school so our overwhelming preference is for you to sign a direct debit. However, if this is not possible then the school will be able to make arrangements to make sure you can contribute in a way that works for you and the school.
What happens if I change my mind in a few months’ time?
This would give the school a big problem as our decision to go ahead and buy the devices for the children will be based on the initial level of support from our parents. Changing your mind halfway through the programme would compromise the school’s finances. This is a commitment to the children that needs to be seen through.
Can’t I go and buy a cheaper device on the High Street?
Yes, possibly but, this isn’t just about a portable device. The e-learning programme we are providing will involve a fully expensed device. It will be fully insured, with an extended warranty, it will have all the software that your child will need. We will provide technical support. Whilst at school, your child will have access to learning resources on the school’s website and we will provide facilities for families to come and update their own IT skills.
These devices can be used at school during the day as well as at home in the evenings and weekends. In contrast, personally owned computers cannot be connected to the network at school or supported by our technical team, and to purchase the educational software we use might cost you several hundred pounds more.
Why am I making a donation to the Learning Foundation?
The Learning Foundation is a registered education charity that is collecting monthly parental donations on our behalf to save us administration costs. They will collect your donation every month, and apply for Gift Aid where applicable, and then grant the money back to us to pay the bills.
Do I have to sign the Gift Aid declaration?
It is vital that you do this if you are a UK taxpayer otherwise the cost of administering the collection of donations has to come out of the donations themselves. Gift Aid applies to all contributions as well as direct debits so please do sign it if you are a taxpayer.
How much do we need to donate?
We ask that you make a donation of £21 a month over 24 months in total for the duration of the programme. The good news is that because we are offering this programme to all the pupils in the year group, the Learning Foundation can claim Gift Aid worth 25% of all donations made by parents who are UK taxpayers and have signed the Gift Aid declaration.
Will we be able to access the Internet?
If you have Broadband at home the computer will be able to connect to that. A wireless router that plugs into your Internet line is a really good idea as the Device provided will be wirelessly enabled. If you don’t have Broadband at home then we suggest you talk to us about 3G/4G solutions we may be able to provide.
Will our children be safe if they have to carry the computer home?
We all need to be aware of the risks the children could face on their way home but the number of recorded incidents is surprisingly low. All computers are security tagged and protected, but if a child is approached for their computer they should hand it over without resistance and then inform you so you can let the Police and the school know.
Why should I donate if others don’t?
We will only run this programme if parents want it, and are prepared to contribute. While a small number of families in difficult circumstances can be accommodated, unless there is widespread support for the programme then the school will not be able to provide it to your children. If you are interested in the school doing this then please encourage other parents to support the programme too.
Will we need to buy any other equipment?
Ideally, every pupil should have access to the Internet at home. You may also want to get a printer so that your child can print off their work, but this is not essential as they can always do this when they come back to school.
What happens when I sign the Gift Aid declaration?
The school sends the declaration to the Learning Foundation. They keep the form on file as proof that they are able to claim the additional 25% in Gift Aid from the Inland Revenue.
Who do I tell if I change my bank account?
Please let the Learning Foundation know as soon as possible if you change your bank account by emailing them on In your email, please include your name, your child’s name and the name of your child’s school.